Three students named Chancellor's Scholars

Three School of Computing students will be recognized as Chancellor’s Scholars during the undergraduate commencement ceremony Dec. 21 at Pinnacle Bank Arena.
Three School of Computing students will be recognized as Chancellor’s Scholars during the undergraduate commencement ceremony Dec. 21 at Pinnacle Bank Arena.

Eighteen University of Nebraska–Lincoln students will be recognized as Chancellor’s Scholars during the undergraduate commencement ceremony Dec. 21 at Pinnacle Bank Arena.

Chancellor's Scholars are students who have maintained 4.0 grade-point averages on all collegiate work at Nebraska and elsewhere.

The following School of Computing students were named Chancellor's Scholars:
• Hannah Daieuen Shin, computer science, College of Engineering, James Shin and Eunsook Shin.
• Malcolm Saltzman, computer science, College of Engineering, Damon and Regina Saltzman.
• Jun Shen Yap, computer science, College of Engineering, Kim Yong Yap and Li Jiuan Lee.

View the full list of Chancellor's Scholars in Nebraska Today.

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