Have you ever thought about developing an online store, dynamic websites or interactive web applications? Register for CSCE 464/864 which will be offered next fall. It is tentatively scheduled for MWF 9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. and will be taught by a new CSE hire, Mohammad Hasan. Continue reading…
Wednesday, April 23 will be the Spring Fling Ice Cream Social from 2:30-3:30. Please join us! The event will be located outside on the east side of Avery Hall. If the weather is bad, the event will be moved inside to the CSE Student Resource Center. Continue reading…
On Wednesday, April 16, Andrew Mittleider, Yaoxin Liang and Jihoon Yun will present their masters thesis defenses. Mittleider will present at 12:30 p.m. in Avery 103, Liang at 2 p.m. in Avery 347, and Yun at 4 p.m. in Schorr 112A. Continue reading…
Do you like helping others? Contact Jenna Huttenmaier (jenna.huttenmaier@unl.edu) if you're available to tutor a 13 year old boy interested in computers. He is hoping to learn basic programming skills. Commitment is a couple hours per week and you will be paid. Continue reading…