Register for CSCE 477/877

CSCE 477/877
CSCE 477/877

CSCE 477/877 is a three-credit course that meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:30 a.m. until 11:20 a.m. It will be taught by Dr. Chris Bourke. This course is in the applications track from graduate students, and satisfies a CSCE technical elective (Foundations Focus) for undergraduate students.

In this course, students will study, implement and attack various cryptographic protocols from classical substitution ciphers to modern block ciphers and public-key systems. Other topics may include cryptanalysis, cryptographic hash functions, network and application security, digital signatures, authentications and password management, modern cryptography tools, privacy and other security related issues.

The course will cover theoretical topics, but will take a more practical approach to security. A strong foundation in mathematics is required as well as mastery over at least one high-level programming language. Coursework will consist of substantial programming assignments and may include additional written wok, exams, projects and/or presentations depending on enrollment.