CSCE classes can be tough! Luckily there is a CSE Student Resource Center in Avery 12. To help students become familiarized with the Attendants who work in the Student Resource Center, we asked them a series of introductory questions. Next time any student needs help or even someone to talk to, they should feel free to pop in and talk to any one of these folks.
1. Why did you decide to become an SRC tutor?
2. What's your specific area of academic interest?
3. What should students expect when they come to the SRC?
4. What are some of your hobbies outside of classes?
5. What do you hope to go on to do after school?
Ryan Claybrooks:
1. I decided to become a SRC tutor because I like being able to help fellow students with CSE classes.
2. I do not really have a specific area of academic interest; I enjoy doing both computer science and computer engineering majors, therefore I just like to code projects.
3. Students should expect a place where they can study and be able to ask multiple people for help, the tutors or TAs.
4. My outside hobbies are playing ultimate Frisbee, videogames, and board games.
5. After I graduate, I hope to join a company where I am able to code an interesting project. Something like a simulation team sounds very interesting to me.
Brett Newkirk:
1. I wanted a job where I can be of assistance to other students. I know when I was a freshman I very much appreciated the help I received from experienced CSE students.
2. I enjoy software development, algorithm analysis and cryptography.
3. They should expect a good environment to work on homework, ask questions, or just kill some time between classes. I hope to be of assistance with any issues that might come up, whether it’s a forgotten password or advice for approaching a homework problem.
4. I enjoy watching movies with friends, playing videogames, and playing the ol’ violin every now and then.
5. My post-school plans aren’t firmly set in place yet, but I plan to work in software development. Whatever I go on to do for a career, I also plan to make web and smartphone apps in my free time.
Sam Pahlke:
1. I decided to become an SRC tutor because I developed a great appreciation for the Resource Center last year. It was extremely beneficial to my learning. I want to help others have the same great experience I had.
2. I am majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Mathematics.
3. Students should expect a friendly environment where all types of questions are welcomed. The SRC tutors will ask questions that will help students come to the correct conclusion on their own, and therefore promote learning.
4. Some of my favorite activities include the following: playing basketball, video games, watching football, hanging out at the lake, and developing my own mobile applications.
5. Following graduation, I hope to get a job focused on developing applications. I also plan on working on my own personal projects, as I really enjoy coming up with ideas and then attempting to create them.
Jakob Snyder:
1. I became an SRC tutor because I felt like it would be a good opportunity to help my peers excel in their homework like I do.
2. I am very interested in cyber security.
3. Students should expect to see TAs wearing lanyards to help them find the correct TA for the help they are looking for and also they should expect snacks every Wednesday!
4. Outside of class, I enjoy playing soccer, running, and hanging out with friends.
5. I hope to get a job working for the US government working in this field.
Jonathan Sherman:
1. I became an SRC tutor because I enjoy helping other people with coursework.
2. Robotics or Software Engineering
3. They should expect to come into a relaxed environment where they can get help from either TAs or the tutors
4. Working out, hanging out with friends.
5. I hope to work at a tech company that has a relaxed work environment, good benefits and their product is interesting.
Jacob Kenney
1. I became an SRC tutor because I like being able to help other students with their work and to help them to work smarter, not harder.
2. I am studying Computer Engineering, and I hope to work with embedded systems.
3. Students should expect to be able to come in and get help on their homework from the tutors and the TAs while also having a quiet place to work.
4. I like to swim, wakeboard, and play videogames.
5. After graduation I hope to go on to work for a company specializing in embedded systems.
Andrew Schmidt:
1. I decided to be an SRC tutor because I enjoy helping others with their questions, and I already was spending a lot of time in the SRC.
2. I am a Computer Engineer who enjoys his circuits and programming classes with equal value. One of my favourite classes was CSCE 230, because it presented many challenges!
3. I think they should expect to find somebody to help them with their work. Sometimes, we are not familiar with a language (as there are many out there!), however all our SRC attendants should be competent enough that we can pick up on languages and help them step through the simple design decisions required in the CSCE classes. When our experience reaches its end, we should at the very least be able to point them to someone who can help, be it in the SRC at that time or in another hour.
4. I love stamp collecting and writing up my genealogy. It is a very odd hobby nowadays; however, I think it is important to know where we came from.
5. I hope to enter the work field with the qualifications to design good electronic systems. I have no passion on what I want to work on or whom I want to work for.