This fall CSCE 990, Mobile Software Analysis is offered as a special topics seminar in software engineering.
The course meets twice per week and uses a seminar format: Students will read and discuss important papers from the literature "in and around" the field of mobile software analysis. This seminar course is open to graduate students as well as advanced undergraduates pursuing independent study or senior thesis work on this topic.
Logistics: This class will meet twice per week and typically discuss one or two main papers per meeting. Students will (i) read research papers and engage in active discussions about the topics; (ii) present papers they've read to the class; and (iii) work on a research project and write a technical, research paper about the project.
Project: Each student will perform a practical research project. The research project must result in a tangible technology, the form of which will be discussed in class.
Grades: All students enrolled in the course will earn a grade based upon: (a) their demonstrated understanding of the class topics, (b) class attendance and participation, (c) the critical opinions, questions, and challenges shared with the class on the discussions, (d) the feedback provided to their peers, and (e) the research project.