Judges Needed for 2011 ACM Regional Programming Contest


The UNL Computer Science and Engineering Department, in conjunction with the local chapter of ACM, is organizing and hosting the 2011 ACM Regional Programming Contest, which will be held in Avery Hall on Saturday, November 12, 2011. Approximately 35 teams will come to UNL for this regional contest, and the top team will go to Poland in May 2012 to compete in the World Finals.

We need about 10 judges to help us evaluate solutions submitted from each of the teams.

What does a judge do?
* [2-4 hours] install the judging software PC^2, C/C++ compilers, and JAVA compilers on your laptop.
* [1 hour] take an on-line training on contest judging.
* [9 hours] use PC^2 to run the programs submitted by teams and then compare their outputs with the judge outputs from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on November 12 at Avery Hall.

What does a judge get?
* a really great experience!
* free snacks, lunch, and dinner.
* a certificate from ACM that you have served as a judge.
* a messenger bag.

If you are interested in serving as a judge and you are familiar with the C/C++/Java programming languages, please contact Professor Lisong Xu, Head Judge, via email at xu@cse.unl.edu with the following information:
* your grades in programming language courses (C, C++, and Java)

More details at: http://go.unl.edu/22y