Welcome back!
Welcome back to campus for a new semester! Be sure to mark these important dates on your fall 2017 calendar. Continue reading…
Welcome back to campus for a new semester! Be sure to mark these important dates on your fall 2017 calendar. Continue reading…
Don't miss the College of Engineering's Rock the Block event on Wednesday, Aug. 23 from 4-7 p.m. at Vine Street Fields. Continue reading…
Every summer, the department invites the Girl Scouts of Nebraska to spend three days at the university studying computing with CSE faculty and student mentors. The department hosted its third annual camp last month. Continue reading…
Free snacks will be available every Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Resource Center. Continue reading…
The STEM Career Fair will be on Sept. 25 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Pinnacle Bank Arena. Continue reading…
Join the Operating Systems and Open Source Group this Friday, Aug. 25, for celebrate Linux's 26th birthday. The event will take place from 5-9 p.m. in the Heritage Room of the City Campus Union. Free food will be provided.
For more info, visit https://events.unl.edu/OS2G/2017/08/25/121428/ Continue reading…
The Lincoln Housing Authority is seeking an intern to assist in providing end user support for agency staff at various locations. Continue reading…
HCC will be hosting the XSEDE HPC Workshop: Big Data Sept. 12-13 in the City Campus Union. Topics will include an overview of the use of Hadoop, Spark and TensorFlow for the analysis of large data sets. Continue reading…
Computing for All will hold its first meeting of the semester on Thursday, Aug. 23 in Avery 28G at its new time of Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Continue reading…
CSE Advising Corner will be a new weekly column featuring advising tips from our academic advisor, Ann Koopmann. Continue reading…
The new deadline for students participating in summer programs is January 5. The new deadline for students participating in a fall or full academic year programs is March 1. Continue reading…
Register now to attend the two-day Holland Computing Center Fall Kickstart event and learn how to get started doing high performance computing on the Holland supercomputing clusters. Continue reading…
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