Undergraduate student research assistant position available

An undergraduate research assistant position investigating how computer science instruction is implemented in grades K-8 is now available.
An undergraduate research assistant position investigating how computer science instruction is implemented in grades K-8 is now available.

An undergraduate research assistant position is available for a National Science Foundation-funded project investigating how computer science instruction is implemented in grades K-8 in diverse Nebraska school districts.

The research responsibilities focus on observational coding of computer science teacher instructional strategies used in K-8 classrooms. Additional responsibilities may include data management (including organizing and maintaining data files); running basic statistics; and other research-related tasks.

Students will learn about computer science educational research, and be part of a research team involving faculty and graduate assistants from both education and computer science.

Start: August 2019

Approximately 10 hours per week, flexible schedule

Paid $10.50/hour


Dr. Gwen Nugent, Ph.D., Research Professor
Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools
201 Pound Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln