Registration for the 2021 Nebraska Math Day 2.1 is now open! This year’s Math Day will be online on Thursday, Dec. 2.
Math Day 2.1 will consist of a team mathematics competition, the Math Bowl 2.1, and the PROBE I (Problems Requiring Original and Brilliant Effort) Exam.
Math Bowl 2.1 is a Swiss-system tournament pitting three-member teams against each other. Swiss format is a commonly used competition format in which a field of teams play a series of rounds. After each round, to the extent possible, the teams with the best two records play each other, the teams in third and fourth place play each other, etc. There will be two divisions, called Competitive and Recreational. The two divisions’ competitions will be interleaved. There will be five rounds in each division. In the Competitive division, there will be two Championship rounds, single elimination, to decide the overall winner, after the five rounds of play.
The PROBE I exams will be mailed to teachers approximately one week before the event with proctoring instructions. All students will take the exam at 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. CST on Dec. 2. Teachers will immediately mail the bubble sheets back to us for scanning and grading. The top 50 students will be invited to campus in Spring 2022 to take PROBE II in person.
Math Day is designed for students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 and for exceptional students in lower grades. Teachers who would like to bring students from lower grades must request and receive written permission from Nebraska Math Day. Homeschooled students are also welcome to attend but will need to contact us for a registration code. Contact us at mathday@unl.edu.
PROBE I - There is no per-student fee for PROBE I students, beyond your 12 bowl team members. You can register up to 100 students for PROBE I.
Bowl Team Price - $20 per team (includes 6 student registrations and the entry fee for 1 bowl team)
• Each school will be allowed two bowl teams: either (1) two teams in the Competitive class; (2) one team in the Competitive class and one in the Recreational class; or (3) two teams in the Recreational class.
• Each bowl team can have up to 6 students. Students can rotate in between rounds.
• Rules for how the online bowl rounds will be conducted will be emailed to registered teams closer to the event.
Note: We are capping registration at 36 teams total in each class.
Registration deadline: Monday, Nov. 14 (at the end of the day) or when we reach capacity.
A detailed schedule is posted online and in the registration site. Rounds will begin at 9 a.m. CDT and all rounds will end by 5 p.m. CDT. The last hour of the competition would include only the top four teams in the Competitive class.
Website: https://math.unl.edu/programs/mathday/2021
Direct link to registration site: https://go.unl.edu/mathdayregister.
Questions? Contact: Stephanie Vendetti and Lindsay Augustyn