Fellowships are still available for GEOS 898 - Weather, Climate and Climate Change, July 11-22, through UNL’s Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI). This course has been highly popular for the past few years, with both math and science teachers! To apply for NMSSI fellowships, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/1dNppqGEVQqNktFy8. Current Nebraska classroom teachers automatically qualify for a 20% tuition discount on in-state tuition.
The Bosch Community Fund has one $550 STEM Ambassador Fellowship available, and three $300 fellowships are available from the Science Teachers for the 21st Century fund for this GEOS 898 course. These awards will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis.
As a Bosch STEM Ambassador, your only obligation is to agree to make one presentation about what you have learned in your NMSSI course and how it benefits your teaching. You can present to peers or your friends/parents, or work with the CSMCE to arrange a presentation to a community group (business leaders, policy makers, general audiences). CSMCE has PowerPoint slides that will support your interactive presentation. If you would like to join this program, please email me at: Laugustyn2@unl.edu
GEOS 898 - Weather, Climate and Climate Change, Web Conferencing: July 11-22 (Monday-Friday), 12:30pm-3:30pm (Zoom)
This course will cover the scientific principles that govern our planet's weather and climate, and will demonstrate ways to teach these concepts to students using experiments and observations. Participants will leave the course with the confidence, knowledge and resources to teach their students about weather, climate, and climate change. While the primary audience is science teachers, this course is appropriate for grades K-12 teachers, including mathematics teachers. The course meets three hours per day for 10 days.
Another course available in July to secondary math teachers is Math 812T: Geometry for Geometry Teachers. The main goal of the course is to strengthen your mathematical background for teaching Geometry. We will focus on fundamental concepts of Euclidean geometry, and use explorations to contrast them with non-Euclidean geometries (including spherical and hyperbolic geometries). We will make extensive use of simple, concrete materials and dynamic geometry software. This course is in person, July 11-15, 8am-5pm, in Lincoln on the UNL City Campus. Fellowships are available for this course as well! Apply now: https://forms.gle/1dNppqGEVQqNktFy8.
How to Apply to UNL or Enroll
If you took a class at UNL in the past year, you are eligible now to register through MyRed: https://myred.nebraska.edu. If you are NOT an active graduate student at UNL currently (active meaning you have taken a course in at least one of the past three semesters and have not recently graduated), you will need to apply to UNL as a graduate student first before you can register. Here is a link to the admission application: https://go.unl.edu/gradapp. You will apply as a non-degree-seeking, post-baccalaureate student, so search for “post” in the program selection step. Once admitted to UNL, please accept your admission and then allow 24 to 48 hours for your enrollment tab to appear in MyRED.