NebraskaMATH News for August 2022

Jim Lewis: Leader, mentor, and friend

Dr. Matt Larson, associate superintendent for instruction at Lincoln Public Schools, has written a tribute to CSMCE outgoing director, Dr. Jim Lewis.Dr. Matt Larson, associate superintendent for instruction at Lincoln Public Schools, has written a tribute to CSMCE outgoing director, Dr. Jim Lewis, whose work has influenced the work of nearly every mathematics teacher at work in the United States today – whether they know it or not. Continue reading…


PAEMST cycle open for grades 7-12 nominations 2022–2023 nomination and application cycle for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) program has opened. This year's awards will honor science, technology, engineering, or mathematics teachers working in grades 7-12. Continue reading…


Do you want to shape science resources of the future? you want to shape science resources of the future? The Smithsonian Science Education Center is seeking third- and fifth-grade teachers who are interested in field testing a third-grade science or fifth-grade science module between October 10, 2022 and January 16, 2023. Apply by August 29, 2022!
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Originally published August 15, 2022 - Submit an Item