"Research in Practice: Preparing and Retaining K-12 STEM Teachers in High-Need School Districts"
The National Science Foundation has been funding innovative proposals that address the critical need for recruiting, preparing, and retaining highly effective elementary and secondary mathematics and science teachers and teacher leaders in high-need school districts through the Noyce Program for the past two decades. In this Noyce Track 4 research book of eight research chapters, each study was funded as part of the program’s research track (i.e., Noyce Research Track 4). As editors of this compilation, NSF AAAS-ARISE's goal for this volume was to provide a space for Noyce Research Track 4 researchers to highlight their emerging work to inform the field and, ultimately, to spark innovation and the adaptation of promising practices to support inclusive STEM teaching and learning in elementary and secondary schools, and in particular to support underrepresented students’ access and success.
Dr. Wendy Smith, director of Nebraska's Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education, is a co-author on Chapter 8: "Viewing STEM Teacher Leadership Through a Communities-of-Practice Lens," along with collaborators Dr. Brett Criswell, Dr. Jan Yow, Dr. Christine Lotter, Sally Ahrens, Dr. Greg Rushton, Dr. Amanda Gonczi, Dr. S. Justin Polizzi, and Dr. Steve Barth.
Read each chapter and download the book at:
The book is also linked from ARISE's main website under Resources.