Anja S. Greer Conference on Mathematics and Technology, June 25-30, 2023
Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire
For over three decades, the Anja S. Greer Conference on Mathematics and Technology has been the pre-eminent conference for secondary school mathematics teachers.
The conference focuses on mathematical modeling, integrating technology into math classes, problem-based learning, contemporary and relevant content, and diversity, equity and inclusion in the math classroom. Educators seeking professional growth, challenging mathematics, dynamic activities to blend into their classes – or who are looking for a whole new approach to teaching math – will find what they need at this conference. You will choose two weeklong courses from more than 30 offerings designed by established leaders in mathematics teaching. In addition to courses there are concurrent 45-minute “conference within a conference” sessions and each day is capped off with a featured speaker series. Evening social hours are built into the conference schedule, so participants get to know each other and conference leaders outside of class.
Featured speaker series:
Shelly Jones, Central Connecticut State University
Culturally Relevant Mathematics Tasks: The Heart of an Equitable Mathematics Education Experience
Rachel Levy, North Carolina State University
Making Good on the Promise of Data Science for Everyone
Moon Duchin, Tufts University
Modeling Democracy
See the full program on the conference website: