This year's American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) Conference will be held Nov. 9-12 at the CHI Convention Center in Omaha, Nebraska. Since the focus of AMATYC is on mathematics education in the first two years of college, the conference would provide a great professional development opportunity for any mathematics faculty or undergraduate student considering a career in teaching math at the post-secondary level, and also for high school teachers wanting to know more about post-secondary mathematics courses and teaching, particularly teachers involved in dual credit at the high school level. Paula Jakopovic and Wendy Smith are both giving separate plenary sessions; see the program at:
Here's a link to the conference registration:
Discount registration via website or fax available through Oct. 7, 2023. If mailed, registration must be postmarked by Sept. 30, 2023. Also, if you have never attended an AMATYC conference and are an AMATYC member, you are eligible to apply a $50 credit toward the discount full conference registration fee. Enter the promo code, FTA-2023, at check-out and click "apply" to update your cart. This code expires on 10/07; it's valid only through the discount period.
Questions: Dale Johanson,, mathematics instructor at Northeast Community College in Norfolk, Nebraska, and AMATYC Central Region Vice President