NebraskaMATH News for January 2024

Spread the word about Primarily Math

Help us by nominating your peers! It's time to recruit a new cohort of teachers in Primarily Math, as part of UNL’s Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI). Do you have a K-3 colleague who would be a great fit for Primarily Math? Continue reading…


Math mindset: Catching up with Heather Kramer

Photo courtesy of Heather KramerExperiencing productive struggle firsthand in Primarily Math courses gave third-grade teacher Heather Kramer the confidence to implement an inquiry approach in her own classroom. In Kramer’s room at Rousseau Elementary in Lincoln Public Schools, math is approached from a growth mindset. Continue reading…


Tenski wins 10/11's Golden Apple Award Tenski, who “wears many hats” at St. Edward Public Schools, was honored by Channels 10/11 television as their December 2023 Golden Apple Award winner. Tenski is currently the 7-12 principal, as well as the math teacher and district assessment coordinator. Continue reading…


Babies 2023!

Our NebraskaMATH friends welcomed these adorable babies into our community in 2023!Our NebraskaMATH friends welcomed these adorable babies into our community in 2023, including the daughter of new CSMCE faculty member Amy Bennett! Continue reading…


Upcoming January NCTM webinars you haven't already, be sure to sign up for the lineup of webinars hosted by NCTM this month! Hear from the presenters on topics such as belonging in the mathematics community and the research behind teaching and learning mathematics. Continue reading…

Originally published January 17, 2024 - Submit an Item