NebraskaMATH Newsletter - October 2013

Teachers (left photo) work on an activity during the Greater Nebraska Math Teachers Circle for secondary educators. Sarah Timmer and Cindy Beaman of GIPS presented another GNMTC to elementary teachers before NATM.
Teachers (left photo) work on an activity during the Greater Nebraska Math Teachers Circle for secondary educators. Sarah Timmer and Cindy Beaman of GIPS presented another GNMTC to elementary teachers before NATM.

Greater Nebraska Math Teachers Circles' season kicks off

It's official; the Greater Nebraska Math Teachers Circle season has begun. Nearly 40 teachers gathered in Kearney before the NATM Conference for math and munchies at the first circle meeting of the year. More circles will be scheduled across Nebraska. All are welcome. Watch for a meeting near you! Continue reading…


Scottsbluff student solves classroom problem

Figure from Andrew Barton's paperIt's a question teachers ask themselves each year: How should I arrange my classroom? Of course constraints like class size, room size and tables vs. desks will yield different arrangements. One student from Scottsbluff studied the question and arrived at some mathematically sound results.
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Hopkins giving talk on invariants on Nov. 14

Mike Hopkins (courtesy photo)Mike Hopkins, Professor at Harvard University, will be giving a free, public talk on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Auditorium on UNL City Campus. Hopkins is a Visiting Research Professor in the UNL Department of Mathematics. Continue reading…


MathAlive! now at SAC Museum

MathAlive! exhibitMathAlive! is designed to inspire, spark the imagination and reveal math at work. This interactive and inspiring exhibit, currently at the Smithsonian, is coming to the Strategic Air & Space Museum in Ashland on Sept. 21 and will be open through Jan. 12. Continue reading…


Geoboard Triangle Quest

How many triangles can you make on a geoboard? Facilitating a discussion and exploration that followed this question changed one teacher. Read more in the free preview article in Mathematics Teacher, "The Geoboard Triangle Quest." Continue reading…

Originally published October 4, 2013 - Submit an Item