Take a look online at our newly-released 2015 schedule for the Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI). More classes will be added over the coming weeks, and some dates may change, but use this schedule to start planning your calendar this summer. Continue reading…
Jim Lewis, an Aaron Douglas Professor of mathematics, became deputy assistant director of the NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources on Jan. 26. He has accepted an initial one-year appointment. Continue reading…
The daughter of Math in the Middle Cohort 4 teacher, Teena Andersen, is here at UNL studying to become a math teacher, and we are pleased to pass along the good news that she has won an NCTM scholarship.
The University of Nebraska State Museum's "Sunday with a Scientist" program will take a closer look at flying robots — unmanned aerial vehicles. The program will take place from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Feb. 15 at Morrill Hall. Continue reading…
Do you know a 7th-12th grade teacher who provides excellent mathematics or science instruction to his or her students? Then please consider nominating him or her for a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). Continue reading…
Achieve has recently released a national survey of high school graduates, finding that over half have significant gaps in being prepared for college and careers by their high school experience. Learn more from the full report. Continue reading…
Authors C. Kirabo Jackson, Rucker C. Johnson and Claudia Persico find that increases in per-pupil school spending lead to higher graduation rates and, when the students become adults, greater earnings and fewer cases of poverty. The benefits were particularly large for low-income students. Continue reading…