In July of this past summer, I had the privilege of traveling to Africa to introduce the Primarily Math program to seven teachers from the Senegalese-American Bilingual School (SABS) in Dakar, Senegal. This experience was one component of the 2018 Afrimath Summer Program. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics has shirts for sale through Sept. 23, including a new long-sleeved option and a T-shirt that is also available in youth sizes. Continue reading…
Congratulations to two Nebraska teachers earning an Ed.D. and three Primarily Math teachers and four secondary math teachers who earned master’s degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Aug. 10. Continue reading…
Teachers who are attending the joint NATS/NATM conference in Kearney are invited to attend our Teachers' Circle on Sept. 20. The gathering will offer one session for K-12 teachers (elementary, secondary math, and secondary science) at the Younes Conference Center in room Ruby 6. RSVP by Sept. 12. Continue reading…
Register now to attend the NCTM 2018 regional conference in Kansas City from Thursday, Nov. 1, to Saturday, Nov. 3. Early bird registration pricing ends Oct. 17. Opening keynote speaker is Dr. Christine Mann Darden from the Hidden Figures book! Continue reading…
Registration for the 2018 Nebraska Math Day is now open. This year’s Math Day will be Thursday, Nov. 15. Pricing has increased for 2018. Continue reading…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected Dr. Karen Marrongelle to serve as head of the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR), succeeding Dr. Jim Lewis in this position. Continue reading…
When preservice teachers receive feedback as part of their experiences in teacher education programs (for example, from clinical supervisors or mentoring teachers) the focus of this feedback is often on their actions as new teachers or their enactments of instructional practices, such as their early Continue reading…
After earning a master’s degree in mathematics education from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Connor Bohlken is now one of 34 early career educators nationwide taking part in the Knowles Teacher Initiative. Continue reading…
Krysten Crawford recently wrote in "The Stanford Graduate School of Education New Center" about a study that uncovers new findings about gender gaps in math and English academic achievement. Continue reading…