![Math 812T 2017](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file106322.jpg)
Now is the time to start making plans for Summer 2019 professional development. Which graduate courses and/or workshops would you like to have offered in your region? Check out our Summer 2018 course catalog for the Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes to get a sense of the available courses: http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi/2018/course-catalog/.
Our TEAMS courses from Summer 2017 are still an option, as well. Contact the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education at scimath@unl.edu for more information. We are in contact with the ESUs, but we encourage you to also let your ESU staff developer know which courses you are looking for.
While there are no guarantees, if you can get at least 10 teachers in your area to commit to taking a particular class during a week of Summer 2019, we will do all we can to hold that class for you in your area!