National Survey

Dear Advising, Student, and Academic Program Leaders,

Beginning February 5th, UNL will participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). The NSSE provides valuable information on student engagement, opinion, and participation from UNL students as well as peer institutions. UNL participates in this survey every three years to track changes and monitor students’ opinions of their engagement and learning at UNL.

Basic information related to the NSSE is found below. Please share this information with the undergraduate students in your program. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Vanessa Roof ( Thank you for supporting undergraduates’ academic success.

Amy Goodburn, Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
The National Survey of Student Engagement

What is the NSSE?
A survey instrument that collects information from hundreds of four-year colleges and universities about student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for learning and personal development. Results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college. In addition, NSSE provides participating institutions reports that compare student responses with those of peer institutions.

The NSSE project is governed by the Indiana University Bloomington IRB, and additional information be found at:

What does NSSE ask?
The NSSE asks undergraduates about their in- and out-of-class activities, what they feel they have gained from classes, their assessment of the quality of interactions with faculty and students, and other educational activities (e.g. undergraduate research, study abroad, & internships).

Who has participated?
Since its implementation in 2000, more than 1,300 four-year college Universities in United States and Canada have administered the NSSE. NSSE reports 619 institutions will participate in the spring of 2013.

When has UNL participated?
Spring of 2002, 2004, 2007, 2010, & 2013.
(The NSSE is generally administered on a three year cycle)

Who is surveyed?
All first-year and senior bachelor’s degree-seeking students are included in NSSE population file. Adult learners, full-time and part-time students, commuters and campus residents, and distance education students who meet credit hour requirements are included.

When will the survey be administered?
Students will receive notifications on the following dates:

Invitation: Tuesday, February 5th
Reminder 1: Wednesday, February 13
Reminder 2: Thursday, February 21
Reminder 3: Wednesday, February 27
Final Reminder: Tuesday, March 5th

How will the survey be administered?
Students will be contacted via their preferred email (specified in MyRED) and will be asked to complete the survey on-line.

How long will it take students to complete?
The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

How will results be shared?
Results will be shared with the Chancellor, Colleges, and the Board of Regents in the fall of 2013 and used to assess efforts to improve student retention and used to assess efforts to improve student retention and time to degree.