Calendar / Events

Calendar of events for engineering students.
Calendar of events for engineering students.

11/5: CAS Inquire Lecture Series: Colin Meiklejohn: “Gene Machines/Navigating a World Enthralled by DNA,” 5:30-6:30 p.m., Nebraska Union Auditorium

11/6: CSE Tech Talk Series: “Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical an IoT Systems,” with Marilyn Wolf, via Zoom, noon

11/6: ASME Research Night, 5 p.m., Nebraska Hall W347

11/7: Explore Your Future – Lincoln, 6-8 p.m., Nebraska Union Platte River Room

11/8: Running with CSE Professors, 9:15-10:15 a.m., Avery Hall

11/8: BME Seminar: Ravi Saraf, 12:30 p.m., SEC 237

11/11: Engineering & Entrepreneurship, 6:30 p.m., Nebraska Hall

11/12: Tech Talk with Ryan Lim of Facebook, 6-7 p.m., Avery Hall

11/13: BSE Colloquium Series: Yeyin Shi, noon, Chase Hall

11/27-29: Thanksgiving Break (student holiday, UNL offices open on Wednesday)

12/11: BSE Colloquium Series: Tiffany Messer, noon, Chase Hall