From the Dean: April 2, 2020
Dear College of Engineering Students,
If you’re reading this, you’ve made it through three days of the rest of the spring semester! I want to thank you for your patience and cooperation as we transition into this new way of learning and teaching.
I understand there may be some challenges as we adapt and work with remote mechanisms for delivering classes and student support services. Please know we are here to help you as best we can. And, do not hesitate to reach out to your professors, your advisors, and others in the college with questions, concerns or kudos. https://engineering.unl.edu/student-feedback/
The college’s COVID-19 website and Monday’s student electronic newsletter will provide you with updates as the semester progresses; be sure to check these frequently.
Finally, do take care of yourselves and your families and know that we are all in this together.
Lance C. Pérez, Dean