From the Dean: April 10, 2020

From the Dean: April 10
From the Dean: April 10

Dear College of Engineering Students:

As you are no doubt aware, President Ted Carter, UNL Chancellor Ronnie Green and the chancellors of UNO, UNMC and UNK have issued a joint message restricting access to University of Nebraska facilities beginning at 5PM on Friday, April 10. This decision was made based on the advice of medical and public health care experts in response to the evolving COVID situation in the state of Nebraska. Details about this announcement and impacts for UNL may be found on the UNL COVID-19 website

What this means for you as a student in the College of Engineering:

* Your courses will continue remotely through the rest of the semester. COE faculty and staff are still fully available to support you and your success in your courses.

  • Reach out to your instructors.
  • Reach out to Engineering Student Services ( or 402-472-3160).

* With very limited exceptions, faculty, staff and students should not come to campus.

* Beginning at 5 p.m. Friday, April 10, you will not have access to campus study spaces, computer labs, or any formal or informal learning spaces.

* Summer course schedules will be available soon. We are working to expand the options so you can still continue to make progress toward your degree.

* The university is working on plans for the fall. We are hopeful we can resume “normal” operations.

This is true for students on East, City and Scott campus.

The NU system and UNL is taking these steps to best ensure the health and safety of our faculty, staff, and students along with our local communities and will reexamine this decision in two weeks. In the meantime, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help or to mitigate the impact of these safety precautions.

We are proud of your hard work and perseverance during this unusual and difficult time. I hope that each of you is adapting well and staying healthy.


More details at: