Submit senior design capstone team information by Wednesday

Celebrate your senior design capstone team by submitting information about your work.
Celebrate your senior design capstone team by submitting information about your work.

Without the benefit of having the annual Senior Design Showcase this year, the senior design capstone teams in the College of Engineering will not be afforded the usual opportunity to display their work and explain how it is having or can have an impact.

The Communications & Marketing office of the College of Engineering would like to put those teams in the spotlight in a different sort of a way, and we’d very much like your help in getting the word to those student teams and the faculty who are advising them.

We request that students on the team submit:

  • Photos and/or videos of your team and the work done or product created
  • A listing of who is on the team (Name, major, and role within the team)
  • Brief description of the product or service and/or the objective of the project
  • Discussion of the process – how work was divided and delegated, challenges and obstacles that were encountered, how those challenges/obstacles were met and overcome
  • Social media handles for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn – example @nebengineering – for team members so we can send out invitations and/or tag the team members

These photos, videos and descriptions should be sent to by Wednesday, April 29. We will try to get those uploaded to social media beginning Friday, May 1 (the scheduled day for the Senior Design Showcase) and will continue doing them in following days until they are all uploaded.