Hear what’s new in the college from Dean Tim Wei and get free pizza and pop when engineering student leadership groups, eSAB (Lincoln) and N.E.S.C.O. (Omaha N.E.S.C.O.) present “Wei in with the Dean” from 6-7 p.m. on October 27. Meeting will be video linked between SEC 237, NH 175 and PKI 100A. Continue reading…
Shane Farritor, a professor of mechanical and materials engineering, will discuss the roles of creativity and risk-taking in innovation as he gives the fall Nebraska Lecture on Oct. 27 at the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center. Continue reading…
Show your pride by ordering Nebraska Engineering clothing and apparel being sold by the Latinos in Science and Engineering (MAES-SHPE) student organization through November 2. Continue reading…
UNL College of Engineering students can use N-E-Ride for free transportation Mondays through Fridays between the Lincoln (Othmer Hall) and Omaha (PKI and UNMC) campuses. Continue reading…
Show your engineering pride! Purchase your Nebraska Enginerding t-shirt today! These high-quality shirts are only $10.60 each. They will be available for pick-up from Engineering Student Services offices in Lincoln or Omaha two days after the order is submitted. Continue reading…
(LNK) If you need help with homework or a dedicated space to study by yourself or in a group, come to one of the many Study Stops that are set up for Fall 2015. Free coffee, tea and hot chocolate are provided. Check the web site for schedules and hours at each location. Continue reading…
(LNK) Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is selling Valentino’s Pizza slices every Thursday inside the west entrance of Nebraska Hall from 10:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. All proceeds go to support projects with EWB’s partner community in Madagascar. Continue reading…
(OMA) Spring 2016 classes can be viewed on your MavLINK account. Advising is required for undergraduate engineering students on the Omaha campus before registering. Pick up your advising form in PKI 107 before meeting with your advisor. Registration begins Nov. 4 for seniors. Continue reading…
(OMA) Get help with your engineering, math, chemistry and physics courses at the Engineering Study Stop. Trained peer tutors will be available to help with first- and second-year courses. No appointments necessary. Continue reading…
(OMA) Undergraduate students graduating from the Omaha campus this fall must complete an application for degree by October 23. Application includes a $35 fee payable at the time the application is submitted. Students can apply through their MavLINK account.