Study the architecture and engineering of some of the world’s most historic sites and earn three course credits toward your engineering degree as part of a faculty-led three-week trip to Italy in May 2017.
Dr. Ece Erdogmus, professor of architectural engineering, will lead the trip for the fifth time. Her main research interest is the assessment and rehabilitation of historic masonry and has several international collaborations and projects in the field.
The three-week study program will cover topics and activities that include but are not limited to the following – historical construction/materials, ancient Rome, Christian Rome, history of important scientists, engineers and masters such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Gallileo, Brunelleschi and Giotto.
In addition to experiencing local culture, students will take part in site tours – including the Colosseum, Spanish Steps, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pantheon and St. Peter’s Cathedral. They will also complete research assignments, visit universities and attend lectures by Italian engineering professors.
The deadline for application is Thursday, Dec. 1. More information on the trip will be available at the link below.
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