The college is hosting an Engineering Graduate School Info Session on Monday, October 30, from 4-5:30 p.m. in SEC 237 (City Campus) and PKI 100A (Scott Campus).
RSVP online (using link below) by 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 24.
Please join us to learn more about:
* Benefits of attaining Master’s or Ph.D. degrees
* How to prepare for graduate school now
* Application process (narrowing down schools, visiting campuses, etc.)
* Funding opportunities
* What to expect in graduate school (differences from undergraduate)
* And more…
For those of you who are not yet seniors, it’s not too early to consider graduate school, so please join us to learn more about these options for your future. I hope to see many of you at this event.
Lily M. Wang, PhD, PE, FASA
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Faculty Development / Professor, Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction
More details at: