Graduating seniors and all graduate students in ABET-accredited engineering programs are eligible to join the Order of the Engineer. The initiation ceremony in Lincoln is 5 p.m., Monday, Dec. 11 in SEC 101. Cost is $20. Construction management students are not eligible to join. Continue reading…
The Nebraska chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) was one of three UNL student groups that teamed up to win a $10,000 grant at the Nov. 1 "Pitch A Program" event, sponsored by Union Bank & Trust and UNL Student Involvement. Continue reading…
The N-E Ride shuttles that run between the City Campus and Scott Campus will their normal Monday-Friday schedule through the end of the Fall Semester on Friday, Dec. 15. The service will take Nebraska Engineering students and employees between Omaha and Lincoln during Dead Week and Finals Week. Continue reading…
A new online course – Independent Research in Manufacturing Food Safety – will be offered for Spring Semester, giving students experience in designing experiments, conducting research and preparing a manuscript. Open registration ends Jan. 7, 2018. Continue reading…
The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR) is taking applications for the summer undergraduate internship in energy sciences research. The Darrell J. Nelson Summer Undergraduate Internship offers up to $5,000 per recipient for the summer of 2018. Continue reading…
Engineering Study Stops on the City and Scott Campuses will end this week and will not resume until January. Check the websites for Scott Campus Study Stops ( and City Campus Study Stops ( for more information.
Urban Engineers is seeking talented college students studying an academic discipline related to the built environment to compete in the Excellence Magazine Student Article Competition. The prize is a $500 scholarship and winner has article published in Excellence. Continue reading…