Final 2019-20 UCARE information sessions this week

Through UCARE, undergraduates can receive a $2,400 stipend for research projects guided by faculty mentors.
Through UCARE, undergraduates can receive a $2,400 stipend for research projects guided by faculty mentors.

Undergraduates interested in engaging in a research or creative project in the 2019-20 school year should attend one of the two remaining information sessions - Wednesday or Thursday (Nov. 7 or 8) at the Nebraska Union - hosted by the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience (UCARE) program.

UCARE offers year-long research opportunities to undergraduates, guided by faculty mentors, and a $2,400 stipend.

Undergraduate research projects allow you to work hands-on with a faculty mentor to gain important experience and relevant skills that can enhance your application to graduate school or prepare you for your career. Students from all majors and disciplines are encouraged to apply for UCARE.

Upcoming application workshops introduce students to the UCARE program and provide guidance on finding a project, approaching a prospective mentor, and writing a strong application proposal. Join us to learn how you can receive $2,400 in funding in Summer 2019 or Academic Year 2019-20.

Register for an upcoming workshop or make an appointment via MyPLAN with Justina Clark, Director of Undergraduate Research, to learn how you can get involved.

Register at the link below for either of the following dates:

*Wednesday, Nov. 7 – 5 p.m., Nebraska Union Auditorium

*Thursday, Nov. 8 – 12:30 p.m., Nebraska Union Auditorium

More details at: