Last chance to volunteer, host a booth at Girl Day

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day is Feb. 23.
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day is Feb. 23.

The College of Engineering is looking for student volunteers or student organizations that would be interested in hosting a booth at Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day) on Feb. 23.

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day helps focus a growing movement to inspire girls’ futures so they learn they have a place in engineering a better world. National “Girl Day” has been designated during E-Week (Engineers week) to promote engineering to females.

The 2nd annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day will be held on Saturday, Feb. 23 at the Nebraska Innovation Campus (9 a.m.-noon). The day will be one of fun-filled hands-on engineering activities and conversations with professional female engineers and engineering students.

We hope to attract 400-500, youth (grades 3-12) and parents. Activity breakout sessions will be limited to 30-35 youth. There will be four rotations of each throughout the morning (each 35 min.).

Please target your activity toward a fifth-grade level that may be scaled up or down, depending on the group. Please make sure your activity is engineering related.

For more information on the event, click the link below.

For inquiries about volunteering or setting up a group booth, contact Sally Wei at

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