Gain Experience

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Looking for opportunities to gain experience and explore careers, meet with a career coach to find research opportunities, internships, part-time jobs, and more

Using Media & Tech in Major Exploration
October 12th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm in Nebraska Union
Using the sites, apps and streaming services you use every day, this interactive workshop will help you think of ways to use YouTube, Netflix, Instagram, Tik Tok, podcasts, etc. to explore majors and careers. We will discuss techniques, pros/cons, and questions to think about while scrolling, searching, and browsing.

University Majors Fair
October 13 from 12:30 - 2:00 pm in Nebraska Union
Explore your options for academic majors through conversations with staff from the UNL colleges. Stop by during the event to gather information in an informal setting.

Wise Wanderings: Creating a Wandering map for Major Exploration
October 13 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in Nebraska Union
This workshop, based on “You Majored in What?” by Kate Brooks, is the perfect opportunity to reflect on your past experiences, identify key themes related to your interests, skills, and values, and use that information to explore majors and careers.

University Career Fair (Virtual)
October 12th and 13th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm on the Handshake Virtual Platform
Visit the UNL Career Fairs landing page for information and resources:

Race & Ethical Decision Making in Health Care
October 6th from 3:30 - 5:00 pm in Love Library South
In this discussion-based workshop, you’ll be asked to think about unconscious bias in healthcare, the impact of health disparities, and then practice that knowledge with a real world scenario. With peers, you’ll have the opportunity to analyze and assess a case study and discuss the importance of these topics when applying for professional school and beyond.

GRE Prep for Health Schools Workshop
October 13 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in Love Library South
If the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required for admission to your professional health program, join us for a one-hour overview of the exam. We will cover the format of the GRE, outline timelines for studying for and taking the exam, and share helpful resources and advice on preparing to take the GRE

Gaining Experience as a Pre-Law Student
October 5th at 4:00 PM Love Library South

2021 Diversity Pre-Law Symposium and Law School Admissions Fair.
October 16th & 23rd
The UHLC Pre-Law Pipeline Program, HMARIA, Inc., Roure Diversity Pipeline Alliance-Legal, and John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY cordially invite all students from minority, low socio-economic, or underrepresented backgrounds and who are interested in pursuing a legal career to attend the two-day 2021 Diversity Pre-Law Symposium and Law School Admissions Fair. The Diversity Pre-Law Symposium and Law School Admissions Fair is free to attend and is designed to educate and introduce diverse students to law schools across the country. We will have panel speakers discuss the law school application process, financial aid, joint degree programs, and professionalism in the legal industry.
More information:

First Gen Career Meet Up
October 21st from 4:00 to 5:30 pm in East Campus Union in the Great Plains Room
What Is a Career Meet-Up?
It’s a relaxed, low-pressure opportunity to connect with and learn from professionals in fields of interest where First Gen students can gain insight on those career fields, learn how to prepare for them, and make valuable connections with First Gen professionals in those fields.
Career Interest Communities Represented: Environment, Natural Resources, Health & Wellness, Food & Agriculture, Hospitality, Sports & Recreation, Human Services, Teaching & Training, Science Research & Development

More details at: