Nebraska Business Survey

open sign at business
open sign at business

The Nebraska Department of Economic Development, the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, the University of Nebraska and other business-related organizations are reaching out to Nebraska businesses to better understand the initial and potential future impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the revenue and workforce of business organizations. The goal is to find the best ways to support the Nebraska business community.

The Nebraska Business Development Center (NBDC) at the University of Nebraska is working with Dr. Josie Schafer at UNO’s Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)—and in collaboration with Dr. Eric Thompson at UNL, Dr. Dave Dearmont at the State of Nebraska and Pete Thompson at the Omaha Chamber—to develop a survey for Nebraska businesses. CPAR will capture the survey results and publish the statewide report. The survey will be in both English and Spanish language versions.

  1. Applies to non-profit leaders as well as business leaders
  2. We want to understand challenges as we develop support strategies
  3. Survey will help as we work to restore growth/plan for the future


Survey launches Wednesday, April 15th at 2 pm and will run through Friday, April 24th at 5 pm (10 days total).
Please share the following with businesses in your network:
Are you a business owner or nonprofit leader in Nebraska? Please fill out this survey and tell us how COVID-19 has impacted your organization.

Your response will help the State of Nebraska, the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, the University of Nebraska and other partners understand the impact coronavirus has had on revenue and workforce—and find the best ways to support our business and nonprofit community during this crisis. >>> Make your voice heard at

If you have a Twitter account, you may use and share this shorter version:
#NE business owners/nonprofit leaders: fill out this survey & tell us how COVID-19 has impacted your organization. Your response will help @Nebraskagov, @NebraskaChamber, @u_nebraska, others understand coronavirus's impact on revenue & workforce in NE.