Thursday, June 25
Begins at 1 p.m. CT (length: approximately 75 minutes)
Registration link: https://msstateextension.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Y5buRKwUT-OLS2NP7gk1FQ
Ready in the Middle (RITM) is an Emergency Preparedness Initiative focused on pre-teens, teens, and their families/guardians. Developed initially for youth ages 10-12, RITM recently extended the opportunity to include youth up to age 19. RITM gives youth participants and their families/guardians an opportunity to identify risks and hazards in and around their home by taking part in a comprehensive Home Hazards Hunt. After any potential hazards are identified, the family discusses strategies to help mitigate risks. There is also an emergency preparedness component to RITM. The RITM curriculum was developed by Mississippi State University Extension Service.
Less intensive than MyPI (My Youth Preparedness Initiative), the June 25 instructor training reviews the RITM curriculum and provides an opportunity for Q&A. After completing the training, certified instructors have access to the curriculum manual, delivery strategies, and evaluation resources needed to present this program in two sessions - virtually or face-to-face (depending on COVID-19 directives). There is no cost to attend the instructor training. Certified instructors have the autonomy to determine cost/fee structure to offer RITM locally.
For questions about the RITM instructor training, curriculum, and program design, contact Soni Cochran, scochran2@unl.edu. For questions related to logistics for delivering RITM, contact Ashley Mueller, ashley.mueller@unl.edu.