MGT 415 in Plattsmouth, NE
The RDPC is bringing MGT 415 Disaster Recovery in Rural Communities to Plattsmouth, NE beginning on July 17, 2019, 8 a.m..
Disaster Recovery in Rural Communities
This course teaches community leaders and emergency managers in rural communities how to plan for and execute disaster recovery efforts. Upon implementation, this course will assist rural communities with expediting disaster recovery efforts and facilitating the long-term economic success of their communities. Examples from Hurricane Katrina and towns devastated by tornadoes will be used as case studies to examine why communities were successful or unsuccessful in their recovery efforts. Additionally, students will actively engage in a fictional disaster recovery scenario.
Registration Deadline
All participants must register by July 3, 2019, 5 p.m. to ensure their spot in the course.
More details at: https://www.ruraltraining.org/training/schedule/2019-07-17-mgt415-plattsmouth-ne-001/