Rural family stress and wellness resources during county fair


Nebraskans are facing some tough times with stress from a variety of issues this year, and we know many of them will be attending your county fairs. To continue supporting Nebraskans across our state, we ask that you please designate someone from your county to print and provide resources unique to Rural Family Stress and Wellness.

To access the BOX folder:

We recommend providing copies of the Nebraska Strong handouts and Nebraska Extension’s Staying Connected During Tough Times. Please place these resources at booths, in eating areas, folded within rodeo programs, or anywhere you can get them into the hands of those who may need help but don’t know where to find it.

Two additional articles can be shared at your discretion. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Harris-Broomfield, Extension Educator – Rural Health, Wellness, and Safety.

Phone: 308-832-0645

More details at: