Jobs and Internships

Jobs and Internships
Jobs and Internships


Career Coaching
Ready to hit the ground running this spring? Schedule a meeting with a Career Coach to discuss ways to gain experience (internships, research, campus/community involvement), tips for your post-graduate job searching/interviewing, updating your resume and writing cover letters, and how prepare for pursuing graduate school. Make an appointment on MyPLAN using the following link: Schedule here!


RSO Virtual Club Fair
Tuesday, February 2nd, 6-8pm CST
• Signing up is so easy! Check out this short video to see the different options for signing up for our Virtual Club Fair.
• All RSO’s in compliance will receive an email from NvolveU with a personalized invitation to register when registration opens!

Event Planning During COVID-19
Wednesday, January 27th, 3pm CST, Zoom:
• If your RSO is thinking about hosting in-person events this semester, it’s important that you keep up with Directed Health Measures to help promote a safe environment and keep within university compliance.
• Join Assistant Vice Chancellor TJ McDowell each Wednesday at 3 p.m. for a quick update on the latest policies and to get answers to your event planning questions in the age of COVID.


COVID Testing Jobs
• UNL will be increasing testing on campus and is hiring to help with this process.
• There are several types of positions available with various qualifications needed for each job. Pre-Health students are encouraged to apply and gain healthcare experience.
o All info about the positions on this website:
o Immediate openings for Lab Technician I or Lab Technician II are available and offer part time hours. Apply directly here:

Information Sessions available for Conference Assistant Positions
Wednesday, January 27th, 7pm CST, Zoom link
Friday, January 29th, 10am CST, Zoom link

• Conference assistants are a vital member of the conference services program. During the summer conferences season, these students live and work in the residence halls, responding to the day-to-day needs of conference and camp guests.
• Learn more here about this position:

UNL New Student Enrollment is Hiring Orientation Leaders
• To review the position of an Orientation Leader see the following link:
• Link to apply:
Applications due February 14


Paying for Law School AccessLex workshops
AccessLex is offering several online workshops in January and February.
• Topics include: Paying for Law school (Jan. 26), Building your Law School Budget (Jan. 28), Choosing a Law School (Feb. 3), and Applying to Law School (Feb. 4).
• AccessLex offers additional free online resources and tolls for planning and paying for law school. We highly recommend the financial planning tools found here.
Register to attend each workshop by clicking on the link for each workshop title.

Practice LSAT (PrepTest #78)
Saturday, February 6th, 8:45 AM-12:00 PM CST, Louise Pound Hall Room 27
• Take this opportunity to practice taking the LSAT under timed conditions. This practice exam will be in paper and pencil format, and not a digital format like the official LSAT exams. However, taking a practice LSAT under timed conditions will help you to practice your strategies and thought processes and hone your test-taking skills.
To Register: Sign up for the Practice LSAT at:

Law School Fee Waivers
• The Explore Center has a limited amount of application fee waivers for UNL Law School
• These are distributed on a first come, first served basis.
• If you are interested in being able to take advantage of this opportunity, please call us at 402-472-3605.


Careers in the NCIS
Thursday, January 28th, 12-1:30pm CST, via Zoom:
• Special Agent Michael Rieger will be discussing career considerations with the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS). As a civilian special agent with the NCIS, Michael primarily investigates major crimes including sexual assault, deaths, child exploitation and aggravated domestic violence.
• More information can be found here:

Teach for America Application Deadline
Where will your career take you after graduation? By joining Teach For America, you will become part of a powerful network of more than 60,000 leaders changing the course of our nation.
As a corps member, you’ll be challenged to think creatively and lead boldly. You’ll leverage your unique talents to dismantle inequities in the classroom and beyond. As an alum, you’ll join a diverse community working to expand opportunity from nearly every career sector.
Upcoming application deadline: January 29th
• For more information go to their website:

Data Science Internship Information Session, Monday, January 25th 11am-12pm CST,
Economic Justice: Working Toward Eliminating the Opportunity Gap, Friday, January 29th, 1-2pm CST,


Geological Survey - Student Trainee (Hydrology)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Interdisciplinary

Texas A&M University, Galveston - REU: OCEANUS

Indiana University - Research Geologist

Department of Geology, Kansas State University - Graduate Student Opportunities in Geosciences

Department of Environmental, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (EEAS) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell - Graduate Student Research and Teaching Assistantships

Other Job and Internship Resources
US Government Jobs - USAJOBS
The Geological Society of America - Geoscience Job Board
The American Association of Petroleum Geologist - AAPG Career Center
The Seismological Society of America - SSA Job Listings
Rigzone - Geosciences Jobs
The American Geophysical Union - AGU Pathfinder Career Center
The Association for Women Geoscientists - AWG Job Board
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) - Opportunity Catalog