Advising Updates

UNL Geology
UNL Geology

Hello Geology Majors,

I'm hope that you are doing well, staying healthy, and working hard. There is only one more week of classes before the Thanksgiving Holiday break, and I know that you can keep it up for a few more days to earn that holiday break.

For the 2021-22 academic year, we are going to have an atypical start to the Spring 2022 semester. I know that many of you worked through last year's altered fall and spring semester schedules, but this year's schedule is going to be slightly different again. We won't have two 3-week session this year.

Instead, we will have a two week long Pre-Session before the full Spring 2022 semester starts. The Fall 2021 semester will end on the Friday of Final Exam week, which is Friday, December 17. Then, a two week Pre-Session will start on Monday, January 3 and run through Friday, January 14. Since Monday, January 17 is Martin Luther King Day, the full Spring 2022 semester will start on Tuesday, January 18.

It is very difficult, if not impossible, to complete a 3 credit hour course in only two weeks, so there are very, very few 3 credit hour courses offered during the January Pre-Session. Most courses will be 2 credit hours or less, which means that you won't see many ACE course options for the January Pre-Session. Additionally, the few ACE courses that I know of are already full, and I believe these courses will last beyond the end of the January Pre-Session. This means that they will overlap with the start of full spring semester courses.

Right now, none of the available courses will fulfill a College of Arts and Sciences Distribution Requirement (CDR). However, there are some unique courses planned for the January Pre-Session, so there could be some interesting options for a couple of elective courses. For example, the Department of History will teach HIST 291 Section PO1, and the current topic listed is the History of Baseball. If you need a couple of elective credit hours, the January Pre-Session courses might be just what you are looking for this spring.

Enrolling in a January Pre-Session course is the same as enrolling in a traditional Spring 2022 semester course. The January Pre-Session courses have unusual section numbers that start with a "P," which makes them stand out from other Spring 2022 semester courses.

Experiential Learning Survey
Have you had an internship/co-op, volunteer, research, or career-related experience this summer or fall? UNL wants to hear about it! Sharing your experience takes less than 3 minutes and the info you provide helps other students learn about opportunities, impacts UNL's accreditation and academic rankings, and influences the future value of the degree you're working hard for now.

Share your experience here:

Best wishes, Doug

CAS Student Spotlight
Do you want to be featured by the college? Share your story by filling out this quick web form and show others why Geology is for you. Showcase all the opportunities and experiences you are gaining with your Geology major.