GEOL 451/851: Invertebrate Paleobiology

GEOL 451/851: Invertebrate Paleobiology
GEOL 451/851: Invertebrate Paleobiology

GEOL 451/851: Invertebrate Paleobiology

Dr. Wagner will be teaching Invertebrate Paleobiology (BIOS 451 & GEOL 451/851) in the spring.

The BIOS 451 & GEOL 451/851 course is a combined graduate/undergraduate class in which we focus on the evolutionary and macroecological histories of the major invertebrate groups with fossilizable skeletons.

The course involves lectures, with exercises focusing on learning basic skeletonized anatomies of invertebrates as well as computerized exercises to provide hands-on experience calculating diversification rates, sampling metrics, disparity and phylogeny. The course culminates in short research projects chosen by the student and presented to the rest of the course.

In addition to increasing knowledge of invertebrate biology and paleontology, students will improve their abilities to communicate science, and learn how to analyze large datasets.

If you have any questions about the course, please contact Dr. Wagner at