Seasonal Job Opportunity for UNL Students-Morrill Hall

Seasonal Job Opportunity for UNL Students-Morrill Hall
Seasonal Job Opportunity for UNL Students-Morrill Hall

Seasonal Job Opportunity for UNL Students-Morrill Hall


My name is Ann Spilker. I'm the extended learning coordinator at UNL's State Museum in charge of running our Day Camp program. I am currently hiring two seasonal positions for the summer Discovery Day Camps. The position is great for students interested in education who have a passion for science and natural history topics and are looking for something fun to do this summer.

Interested applicants can email me a resume or apply on handshake.

Assistant Seasonal Educator:

Lead Classroom Educator:

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Ann Spilker
Extended Learning Coordinator
University of Nebraska State Museum
645 N. 14th Street | 130 Morrill Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588-0332