Where should I place my education section? How do I spotlight my real value? Watch the exclusive-to-you video below for ten resume tips! Continue reading…
Are you preparing to attend an upcoming interview or career fair, but need new professional attire? Do you want to start building your professional wardrobe to be ready for the attire requirements of your next career-related position? Continue reading…
Do you enjoy networking with employers and getting free t-shirts? Sign up on Handshake to attend Day 1 of the University Career Fair tailored toward YOU with multiple employers seeking connections with business students. Check out more details to see how to get your free t-shirt! Continue reading…
Accounting and finance majors have the opportunity to meet with representatives from various firms to discuss career options and opportunities. See more details for the time. Continue reading…
Check out the employers who will be visiting Hawks Hall this week! Stop and chat with the Employer in Residence at their information booth to learn more about what they do and if they have positions available.
Representatives from Adobe will be in CoB hosting a Business+ event for students, faculty, and staff. They will give hands-on training for their Creative Cloud products, which are free to all UNL students and available low-cost to faculty & staff. Not on campus? See more details to join us on Zoom! Continue reading…
Maybe you've been to Minneapolis. but we bet you've never been to Minneapolis quite like this. Nebraska Business students are invited to apply for this fall's Career Expedition to Minneapolis. Continue reading…
Looking for a job or internship? We like to go the extra mile for you. Continue reading to see your Graduate Career Coach's picks for the week tailored towards military veterans. Continue reading…