The Global Edge is to be offered in collaboration with the International Student and Scholar Office and University Career Services. Utilizing the expertise of all three on-campus departments, The Global Edge workshop hopes to pioneer international student support in the form of transforming international students’ perceived employability both during school, and post-graduation.
With topics ranging from “How to make the most out of Career Services”, to “Being Socially Savvy in the US”, The Global Edge looks to be a difference-maker in the lives of those international students who exhibit a desire to be employed in the US either through internships or full-time jobs after graduation. A representative from the International Students and Scholar Office will also be present at each of these workshops to answer any and all F-1 student employment regulation related questions that are prompted by students.
For more information on this workshop, please contact Raghav Kidambi at the Office of Global Strategies at rkidambi2@unl.edu
More details at: http://https://globalnebraska.unl.edu/about-our-office