Getting Answers About your Offer

BCC Article
BCC Article

What will happen with my internship, summer job or full-time job offer? Because information is changing so quickly, there may not be answers right now as to what will happen with your internship, summer job, or full-time job offer.  Employers are adjusting day-by-day to new recommendations from the state and federal governments.  Here are some tips to help you in the meantime:
1. Be patient. There are numerous components involved in the daily work of an organization. Your internship or job may not be the top priority right now. Understand the answers to some of your questions might be “we don’t know.”

2. Stay in communication. Reach out to your employer if you have not already and ask for information. Check for communication regularly and respond back promptly.

3. Develop an adaptable mindset. Think of times you have been adaptable in the past. Create a mantra for yourself like “I am adaptable” or “Being adaptable will help me today.” 

4. Prepare for a delayed start date or remote work. Make a financial plan if you are not able to work when you thought you would. Secure access to technology (e.g., computer, internet, web cam) and a workspace where you could work remotely.

5. Consider alternatives. If your offer is rescinded, you may need to find an alternative position. It is important that you do not seek other opportunities until you know the future of your position. But, if you learn it is no longer an option, it is time to look elsewhere. See the article in this newsletter Finding Work during a Pandemic.