Your Spring 2020 semester finals are over. Congratulations on your persistence and determination! Enjoy your summer from all in the Business Career Center.
Even if your summer has been altered by COVID-19, you can still make progress toward your professional goals! Check out Celeste's 5 tips to make the most of your summer. Continue reading…
Have you been trying to take advantage of the virtual job search? Are you unsure how to handle virtual interviews instead of in-person interviews? Are you questioning if you should even be looking for a job/internship? Recruiters from Fast Enterprises will give tips on navigating this time.
Will you still be able to find an internship, summer job or full-time job? Times are uncertain right now, but organizations ARE still hiring. Continue reading for tips to help with your internship or job search. Continue reading…
Are you leveraging your Harmony strength in your job search? People with Harmony don't enjoy conflict and seek areas of agreement. Ask about organizations' culture and how colleagues work together. Avoid careers where an emphasis is placed on being competitive with co-workers.
Are you leveraging your Learner strength in your job search? People with the Learner strength have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. Consult with people who have completed their job search so you can learn what worked well for them.
When faced with limited or no options for traditional in-person internships, you may consider remote or virtual internships. Many of these opportunities are legitimate and provide good experiences. Check out how to assess your virtual options. Continue reading…