Finding Work During a Pandemic

BCC Article
BCC Article

Will I still be able to find an internship, summer job or full-time job? Times are uncertain right now, but organizations ARE still hiring. Use these tips below to help with your internship or job search:

1. Don’t stop your internship or job search. While organizations are still hiring, here’s what is different: (1) the number of opportunities might be fewer, (2) the hiring process might be virtual, and (3) the role itself might look different (think remote work or side gig).

2. Keep a positive and open mindset. Don’t allow fear to control or stop you. Think broadly – Any paid work during this time is acceptable.

3. Understand the industries that are most positively and negatively affected. Negative: Entertainment (sports, concerts), hospitality, restaurants, transportation/travel, tourism, recreation, manufacturing, automotive, real estate. Positive: Healthcare, supermarkets, pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies, technology companies and services.

4. Use your resources. Search and follow #CoronaVirusHiring or #NowHiring or #Remote on LinkedIn. Check posts on Handshake. Schedule a remote career coaching session with the Business Career Center.

5. Prepare for virtual interviewing and/or work. Secure access to technology (e.g., computer, internet, webcam) and a workspace where you could interview and/or work remotely.

6. Upgrade your skills. Use this time to upgrade your skillset. LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, EdX, Microsoft, and many other platforms offer free online courses.