If you landed an internship, full-time position, or graduate school acceptance, share your exciting news on social media and with the Business Career Center!
Students are encouraged to come into the Business Career Center to ring the Success Bell and have their picture taken for social media.
Not available to come into the Business Career Center? Use our Husker Hired images to post on social media. For our editable images (2nd page of the tablet PDF, and the IG Story), please screenshot a template in your preferred social media app and add information about your new position! For a more personal post, feel free to hold up your device with a Husker Hired image and snap a photo of yourself. Make sure to make your post public and hashtag #Huskerhired and #NUBiz!
More details at: https://unl.box.com/s/eylv3za55u0ilc8wweafxek7u36jbg84