Can employers contact you?
Employers have shared that sometimes it is hard to reach candidates to schedule job interviews. They aren’t sure if the applicant is no longer looking and just ignoring the email/call or whether the contact attempt just isn’t working. We know that the employment world can actually be very small, so be professional and make sure people can find you. Here’s a few short tips to make it easier.
If you have applied for a position and are no longer interested or available, still respond to that employer to update them on your status. By letting them know, they are able to move onto the next candidate they are interested in interviewing. They also may be interested in learning what they could have done better to keep your interest. In addition, recruiters may change jobs and start to work in your dream organization; always leave a good impression.
Set up your phone voice mail. During work-from-home, some employers used their personal phone, Google phone, Jabber, or other systems to make calls. You may not regularly answer calls from unknown numbers but may be missing a call from a future employer. If you have voice mail setup, regularly delete unneeded messages. It is frustrating to call someone and get a “voice mailbox full” message. Have a friend call your phone to make sure the message sounds clear and professional.
Determine which email address you will use for your job search and check it daily. Again, regularly delete unneeded messages so that way it is easier to see what is new and important. Perhaps you set a personal goal of how many emails can be in your Inbox at any one time (for me, I try to keep it less than 50). If you get added to emailing lists that are no longer of interest, use the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of the message to reduce the amount of unneeded email that comes in. Don’t use your Inbox as a To Do list, create folders so you can move job search related emails into labeled folders for quick retrieval when you are called for an interview.
Double-check that your Handshake profile, LinkedIn profile, and resume all have the most current email and phone number listed. While you are at it, take a moment and ensure that your major, graduation date, involvement, experience, and skills are all current. A lot may have happened since the last time you made updates.
A job search can be stressful but using your communication tools wisely helps make sure that you don’t miss an important call from an employer.
More details at: http://business.unl.edu/current-students/business-career-center/