Why attend Nebraska Trailblazers Breakfast?

Why attend Nebraska Trailblazers Breakfast?
Why attend Nebraska Trailblazers Breakfast?

Why attend Nebraska Trailblazers Breakfast?

September 6, 2024 | 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
DelRay Ballroom | 817 R Street, Lincoln, NE

The Foundry presents Nebraska TRAILBLAZERS Breakfast.

Join us for a FREE breakfast to share your career values and connect with industry professionals. Free for students with promo code "NTBB".

Share what you need from Nebraska's Organizations directly with their leaders.
Keynote: Tim Hodges, PhD | Executive Director of the Clifton Strengths Institute, Professor in the UNL College of Business

More details at: https://thefoundry.co/trailblazers/register.html