Use design thinking to develop a vision for your future career and goals

With an IDP, you're taking a deliberate approach to increase the skills, knowledge, and experience you need to advance in your chosen career.
With an IDP, you're taking a deliberate approach to increase the skills, knowledge, and experience you need to advance in your chosen career.

No matter where you are in your graduate career, now is the ideal time to create an Individual Development Plan (IDP). An IDP allows you to cultivate a vision for your career and set goals to capitalize on your strengths and address areas you want to further develop.

With an IDP, you're taking a deliberate approach to increase the skills, knowledge, and experience you need to advance in your chosen career.

The Office of Graduate Studies encourages students to use design thinking when creating an IDP. This problem-solving strategy allows you to look at career development holistically and continuously. You should never feel stuck or trapped in a career decision when utilizing design thinking.

Learn the five stages of design thinking and how they relate to your IDP.