Graduate students occasionally encounter personal obstacles that require them to pause their academic studies. A student who is unable to continue their academic studies may request an academic leave to temporarily suspend their pursuit of a graduate degree. An academic leave may be granted for a degree-seeking graduate student who is in good standing and has completed at least one semester of prior graduate enrollment at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. An academic leave may be requested for illness or injury; to provide care or assistance for immediate family and/or dependents; to meet military service obligations; or for other personal reasons. The academic leave policy and request form are located at Steps to Degree Completion.
Students in their final stages of degree completion who need an extra semester should not request an academic leave. Instead, students may request an extension of their degree program. An extension request must include a plan and timeline for degree completion and is limited to two terms (which may include fall, spring or summer term). Extension requests must be approved by the student’s advisor(s), the Graduate Program Chair, and the Dean for Graduate Studies. The extension request form is also located at Steps to Degree Completion.