Online course on the Global Positioning System (GPS) available for summer term

This online course is designed to help students—with little or no GPS experience—acquire the skills necessary to collect and use high-quality GPS data.
This online course is designed to help students—with little or no GPS experience—acquire the skills necessary to collect and use high-quality GPS data.

NRES-GEOG 427/827
Introduction to the Global Positioning System

Course Description
Getting coordinates from a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver is usually a matter of pushing buttons, but knowing what those coordinates are, and more importantly, what they aren’t, is more difficult. This course is designed to help students with little or no GPS experience acquire the skills necessary to collect and use high-quality GPS data. Both the theory and application of GPS will be taught with emphasis toward applications. Much of the course will be “hands-on” with students using SNR’s sub-meter differential GPS (DGPS) units.

Instructor Details
Dr. Getachew Demisse

None, though students registering for this course should be in junior or higher standing; with general computer skills including office applications, data and file management.